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This section is for publishing articles in English

Touches of time

The name of this year’s exhibition of classic and alternative photograhy has not been chosen randomly. In the last few decades time has been accelerating its pulse. Now it is throbbing in a fast rhythm of electroswing and ‚smart‘ applications, driving the masses forward. No step back.Číst dále »Touches of time

Passion tamed

Something big was going on last Friday. The supermoon sliced three quarters off the giant celestial cake and the total Eclipse was followed by the beginning of astronomical spring. Číst dále »Passion tamed

Havana Blues

Dnešní Fotostory nahlédne za oponu sportovního jeviště, jednoho z mála míst, kde mohou být Kubánci zcela svobodní. Na stadionech neexistuje politika ani dvojí metr. Modří (Los Azules) bojují nejen se soupeři, ale také s havanským blues. Česko sdílí s Kubou kromě lásky ke sportu i trpkou historii. Představujeme Alfreda Betancourta a jeho Havana Blues.Číst dále »Havana Blues

Expedition Dartmoor


Even our cameras were in awe of Dartmoor trees.

This editorial will take you to a magic place in the south of England. At the end of April our expedition group hit the road to Dartmoor. The crew was formed of five individuals accompanied by their ‚square friends‘.Číst dále »Expedition Dartmoor